All up in the air
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Alter Ego
2006-11-27 11:23:12 UTC
Can anyone tell me the meaning of this expression: "they're all up in the

The complete sentence is: "And so all those wind and ocean current patterns
that have formed since the last ice age and have been relatively stable,
they're all up in the air and they change."

Thank you,

Richard Polhill
2006-11-27 12:16:42 UTC
Post by Alter Ego
Can anyone tell me the meaning of this expression: "they're all up in the
The complete sentence is: "And so all those wind and ocean current patterns
that have formed since the last ice age and have been relatively stable,
they're all up in the air and they change."
Thank you,
In a state of flux that makes it hard to determine any trend or pattern; chaotic.

Think in terms of playing cards: if they're thrown so that they're "all up in
the air", they'll be all mixed up and different ways around so that you cannot
determine their states.
Alter Ego
2006-11-29 02:06:55 UTC
Chaotic? Ok :)
Thanks a lot, for the explanation.
Post by Richard Polhill
Post by Alter Ego
Can anyone tell me the meaning of this expression: "they're all up in the
The complete sentence is: "And so all those wind and ocean current
patterns that have formed since the last ice age and have been relatively
stable, they're all up in the air and they change."
Thank you,
In a state of flux that makes it hard to determine any trend or pattern; chaotic.
Think in terms of playing cards: if they're thrown so that they're "all up
in the air", they'll be all mixed up and different ways around so that you
cannot determine their states.
Richard Polhill
2006-11-29 08:53:24 UTC
Post by Alter Ego
Chaotic? Ok :)
Thanks a lot, for the explanation.
Yes, but I should have said that it normally means a temporary chaotic state,
rather than permanent.

If a company is going through a major structural organisation then the
managers' roles and responsibilities could be described as "all up in the air"
while the roles are being defined, with the expectation that they would be
identified and documented in the near future.


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