On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:38:18 +1100, cguttman
Post by cguttmanHello,
In the light of these basic system characteristics, building agent
systems that collaborate as well as humans do, proves to be a
difficult problem.
Are the commas set correctly?
The first comma is correct, as it delimits an initial phrase which can
be removed without altering the meaning of the second.
The second part is a complete phrase, if we remove the first part we
Post by cguttmanBuilding agent systems that collaborate as well as humans do, proves
to be a difficult problem.
In the light of these basic system characteristics, building agent
systems that collaborate as well as humans do proves to be a
difficult problem.
In the light of these basic system characteristics, building agent
systems that collaborate, as well as humans do, proves to be a
difficult problem.
Post by cguttmanIn the light of these basic system characteristics, building agent
systems that collaborate (as well as humans do) proves to be a
difficult problem.
However that sets off "as well as humans do" as a qualifier, with an
implication that humans aren't very good at it and the agent systems
can't be expected to do any better, which may not be what you mean.
Chris C