2005-12-12 02:06:14 UTC
It was bad enough during the early weeks of the US invasion of Iraq to
hear poor, uneducated soldiers referring to a 'cachet' of weapons being
discovered instead of a 'cache', then to hear supposed news anchors
picking up the mistaken pronunciation, but now:
it seems that every word with an alternate pronunciation MUST be spoken
with the alternate: in the last month I've heard
and several others I can't recall this minute pronounced on the news
with the secondary pronunciation. Is this just an attempt at affecting a
learned voice or am I falling behind the times?
hear poor, uneducated soldiers referring to a 'cachet' of weapons being
discovered instead of a 'cache', then to hear supposed news anchors
picking up the mistaken pronunciation, but now:
it seems that every word with an alternate pronunciation MUST be spoken
with the alternate: in the last month I've heard
and several others I can't recall this minute pronounced on the news
with the secondary pronunciation. Is this just an attempt at affecting a
learned voice or am I falling behind the times?